If we're all being honest we've all had days where we showed up as our BEST! ...and then there were those days where we feel like we fell short.
Here's something really cool: There's INSIGHT in that.
Hear me out! Think about what you're like when you're at your best. What are you doing? Thinking? Feeling?
Take 5 minutes to jot down some thoughts about the characteristics that would describe you when you're really firing on all cylinders.
If you've done that, you should now have a picture in your mind of the type of person you're hoping to be on most days.
Now, let's go a little further. If you really sit down to think about it, there are probably other tangible, circumstantial differences between the days when you were at your best and the days when you weren't. It might be:
- How much you had on your plate
- How well you had been taking care of yourself
- How organized you were
- Whether anything unexpected came up
There's likely a whole slew of characteristics you can name.
Take 5 minutes and jot a few of them down.
Now let's evaluate!
Based on what you wrote down, there is a certain set of circumstances that had at least a partial influence on how you felt and experienced your day. Some of those circumstances are inside of your control, and some aren't.
Take a critical look at those factors that you can control, and think about how you might put some structure in place to support you, going forward.
I'll give you a tangible example.
When I'm at my best, I feel organized and in control. One of the circumstances that helps me feel that way is when all of my upcoming tasks and responsibilities are written down and accounted for on my schedule.
When this happens, I can let my mind relax because I know I'm not going to drop a ball.
So, one thing I've started to do on a daily and weekly basis is look ahead and pencil everything in on my calendar. I mean everything. If it's on my calendar, it's not in my head.
This simple task helps me show up closer to my best ever single day.
Take just a few minutes today to identify what you look like at your best and the circumstances you can create to make it more likely that you'll get to show up as that person. Set an intention to practice and experiment with those things for the next couple of weeks.
If you really want to dive more into a set of practices and routines that will support you in consistently showing up as your best, you'll appreciate our Self-care [by Design] mini-course.
"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power
over instead of craving control over what you don’t."
– Steve Mariboli

Written by Dr. April Seifert
Peak Mind Co-founder