
Blog tagged as anxiety

Peak Mind Pro: The Word Our Mind Hates More Than Any Other 

10.06.21 01:51 AM By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Peak Mind Pro: The Word Our Mind Hates More Than Any Other 
VUCA - volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous - situations are incredibly difficult for our minds to handle. Learn why and strategies for navigating these challenging times.

Is Your Inner Critic Ever a Good Thing? 

01.26.21 01:43 AM By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Is Your Inner Critic Ever a Good Thing? 
We have an inner critic for a reason, and it's not necessarily bad. You can learn to redefine your relationship with your inner critic and stop being so hard on yourself.

How to Get More Out of Your Day

08.11.20 02:05 AM By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
How to Get More Out of Your Day
Getting intentional with these simple practices can help you get more out of your day. You'll be able to accomplish more, focus on what matters, and find time for fun and self-care.

The Brain Science Behind Fear

03.24.20 03:09 AM By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
The Brain Science Behind Fear
Learn the brain science behind fear and how the amygdala and cortex operate. Learn a new strategy to become an observer of your thoughts, which can help reduce their scary impact.

