Blog tagged as attentional control

What to Do When Life Gives You Ick: Coping with Hard Things

03.07.23 02:05 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
What to Do When Life Gives You Ick: Coping with Hard Things
Sometimes life gives us ick - difficult or uncomfortable experiences, thoughts, and feelings. These strategies will help when you are coping with hard things.

Peak Mind Pro: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking

07.12.22 07:06 PM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Peak Mind Pro: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking
With a never-ending list of demands for our time and attention, squeezing more productivity out of our days is imperative. Multitasking may seem like the answer, but it's not. It's a myth, and there are many hidden costs of multitasking.

How Are You Protecting and Maximizing This Important Psychological Resource? 

06.14.22 01:30 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
How Are You Protecting and Maximizing This Important Psychological Resource? 
It's important to consider how your attention shapes who you are and what your life is like. Being able to intentionally direct and control your attention can make a big difference in the quality of your life. That's why prioritizing and maximizing your attention span matters.

What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness

03.02.21 01:57 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness
This powerful metaphor illustrates the difference between awareness, focused attention, mindfulness, and rumination.

Your Election Week Survival Guide

11.03.20 02:10 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Your Election Week Survival Guide
This is shaping up to be a tense and long election season. These tips will help you stay cool, calm, and collected.

Become UN-distractable

06.02.20 02:34 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Become UN-distractable
We are easily distracted and taken off-course. Building attentional control and mindfulness skills is critical for staying focused on what truly matters.

