Blog tagged as information diet

Your Mental Health Diet

04.07.24 11:06 PM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Your Mental Health Diet
Everything you pay attention to and everything you take in mentally has a huge impact on your mindset and your psychological wellbeing. Is your mental health diet on point?

Stop Feeding the Dog: How to Break Negative, Self-fueling Cycles

01.25.22 01:06 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Stop Feeding the Dog: How to Break Negative, Self-fueling Cycles
Like scratching an itchy mosquito bite, many actions provide temporary relief but worsen the problem in the long-run This is negative reinforcement. Learn to break these negative, self-fueling cycles or amplifying loops.

Peak Mind Pro: Design Your Work Experience

01.12.22 01:21 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Peak Mind Pro: Design Your Work Experience
You spend a lot of time at work. It's important to maximize those experiences. Life design offers strategies to experiment with your physical space and daily rhythms.

Curious Questions for the End of the Year

12.28.21 01:32 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Curious Questions for the End of the Year
Curiosity and powerful questions can help you reflect in a more meaningful way.

Mindfulness... from a Former Skeptic

12.14.21 03:10 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Mindfulness... from a Former Skeptic
I used to be quite skeptical of mindfulness and meditation...until I learned what they are really about and all of the benefits they bring.

Fear: Is It a Trick or aTreat?

11.01.21 02:29 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Fear: Is It a Trick or aTreat?
Fine-tuning your relationship with fear is one of the most empowering things you can do. These tips will help you understand when fear is a trick and what to do about it. .

