Blog tagged as thinking
How to Survive Election Season without Losing Your Mind
09.01.24 06:04 PM - Comment(s)
Tensions are high. These tips will help you survive election season with your sanity and wellbeing intact.
Psychological Blind Spots
08.04.24 05:02 PM - Comment(s)
We all have psychological blind spots that distort the way we see the world. Are you aware of yours?
Can We Cancel Cancel Culture?
07.07.24 12:04 AM - Comment(s)
Cancel culture can be problematic, especially when it's based on distorted thinking and conformity. Instead, we need compassion and reason.
Do You Have Bad Thoughts?
03.03.24 06:30 PM - Comment(s)
If you've ever had bad thoughts or felt bad for something you thought, this post is for you. learn why we have bad thoughts and how to stop bad thoughts.
Do You Feel Stuck at Work?
01.18.22 01:16 AM - Comment(s)
Feeling stuck at work can be miserable. There are strategies you can use to make your work experience better. Reframing and remodeling can help you get more out of work.
Don't Fall for This Sneaky Brain Trick
10.20.20 01:16 AM - Comment(s)
Black-or-white thinking, also called all-or-none thinking, causes problems in terms of unhelpful feelings, actions, and reactions. Learn ways to counter and think more rationally.
3 Tips for Dealing with Worry
07.28.20 02:15 AM - Comment(s)
Worry can be problematic. Learn 3 quick tips for effectively managing worry.
Stepping in Poo: Getting a Handle on Unhelpful Thinking
05.26.20 02:40 AM - Comment(s)
Using the example of stepping in dog poop, this article highlights that how you think about a situation makes a big impact on how you feel. These two key questions can help you think in more helpful ways.