Blog tagged as self-criticism
How to Invest in Healthy Relationships
11.14.22 08:55 PM - Comment(s)
Understanding your relationship bank account and how to keep your balance high can keep your relationships healthy. Be sure to make regular investments into your relationships and minimize withdrawals.
Would You Be Friends With You? How to Cultivate Self-compassion
02.08.22 12:12 AM - Comment(s)
Would you talk to someone you cared about the way you talk to yourself? Probably not. Cultivating self-compassion can help you be less self-critical and have a better relationship with yourself.
Is Your Inner Critic Ever a Good Thing?
01.26.21 01:43 AM - Comment(s)
We have an inner critic for a reason, and it's not necessarily bad. You can learn to redefine your relationship with your inner critic and stop being so hard on yourself.
Quieting Your Inner Critic
08.25.20 01:56 AM - Comment(s)
Understand why you have a lot of self-criticism and why it isn't helpful. Learn a helpful strategy for reducing critical self-talk.