Blog tagged as values
How to Survive Election Season without Losing Your Mind
09.01.24 06:04 PM - Comment(s)
Tensions are high. These tips will help you survive election season with your sanity and wellbeing intact.
Peak Mind Pro: Empowering Workplaces through Shared Values
07.24.23 09:27 PM - Comment(s)
Having shared values can help employees feel less burnout and more engagement. Learn more about clarifying your values as an individual and as an organization.
9 Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Health
05.23.22 08:12 PM - Comment(s)
Taking care of your mental health is important. These 9 tips are practical, actionable things you can do to optimize and protect your psychological wellbeing.
Transforming Stress into a Positive Thing
04.25.22 10:31 PM - Comment(s)
Stress isn't all bad. When you believe you can handle it and believe that it is worth it, stress can be transformed into a good thing. Changing your beliefs and connecting with your why can help.
What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness
03.02.21 01:57 AM - Comment(s)
This powerful metaphor illustrates the difference between awareness, focused attention, mindfulness, and rumination.
Your Election Week Survival Guide
11.03.20 02:10 AM - Comment(s)
This is shaping up to be a tense and long election season. These tips will help you stay cool, calm, and collected.
A Helpful Question When You Feel Stuck
09.29.20 01:27 AM - Comment(s)
We all feel stuck at times or torn between options. This helpful question can clarify what is important to you and help you get unstuck b y identifying the path forward.
How to Get More Out of Your Day
08.11.20 02:05 AM - Comment(s)
Getting intentional with these simple practices can help you get more out of your day. You'll be able to accomplish more, focus on what matters, and find time for fun and self-care.
Become UN-distractable
06.02.20 02:34 AM - Comment(s)
We are easily distracted and taken off-course. Building attentional control and mindfulness skills is critical for staying focused on what truly matters.