Blog tagged as thoughts
Judgy McJudgerson
05.12.20 02:48 AM - Comment(s)
Our brains are wired to take short cuts, and judgments are a very common yet potentially problematic short cut. As a result, we are often judgmental, and that can lead to anger, sadness, guilt, etc. Mindfulness is a tool to combat judgements.
The Brain Science Behind Fear
03.24.20 03:09 AM - Comment(s)
Learn the brain science behind fear and how the amygdala and cortex operate. Learn a new strategy to become an observer of your thoughts, which can help reduce their scary impact.
Psychological Strength in the Face of a Pandemic
03.17.20 03:13 AM - Comment(s)
The pandemic has caused a lot of worry, and it is difficult to know how much to worry and how to keep worry in check. These four actions steps will help you do both!judgements.