Blog tagged as attention

Peak Mind Pro: Supporting Employee Mental Health

05.03.22 10:20 PM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Peak Mind Pro: Supporting Employee Mental Health
EAPs are not enough to adequately support employee mental health. Psychological well-being must be supported by the day-to-day operations and workplace culture. These tips will help you support your employees' mental health and well-being at work.

Rethinking Our Approach to Mental Health

05.02.22 10:27 PM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Rethinking Our Approach to Mental Health
COVID has highlighted how inadequate our mental healthcare system is. It is time to rethink our approach to mental health by focusing on prevention and optimizing mental health and psychological wellbeing.

Peak Mind Pro: The Power of Active Listening

03.16.22 11:02 PM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Peak Mind Pro: The Power of Active Listening
Active listening is the foundation of effective communication skills. Pay full attention and ensure that you accurately understand the message being conveyed.

What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness

03.02.21 01:57 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
What a Bug on Your Windshield Can Teach You About Mindfulness
This powerful metaphor illustrates the difference between awareness, focused attention, mindfulness, and rumination.

Your Election Week Survival Guide

11.03.20 02:10 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Your Election Week Survival Guide
This is shaping up to be a tense and long election season. These tips will help you stay cool, calm, and collected.

Become UN-distractable

06.02.20 02:34 AM - By Peak Mind - Comment(s)
Become UN-distractable
We are easily distracted and taken off-course. Building attentional control and mindfulness skills is critical for staying focused on what truly matters.

