Blog tagged as attention
14 Things You Didn't Know About Sleep
08.29.22 07:32 PM - Comment(s)
Sleep is a more complex and active biological process than you realize. The cost of short-changing your body and brain of sleep are quite alarming. Sleep deprivation affects every aspect of your life. Here are 14 surprising things you didn't know about sleep.
How to Get More Appreciation in Your Life
08.09.22 01:47 AM - Comment(s)
Do you feel taken for granted or under-appreciated? Do you make a point to let others know how much you appreciate them? Here's how to get more appreciation in your life.
Using Activities to Boost Your Mood and Motivation
08.01.22 07:20 PM - Comment(s)
Behavioral activation - using specific kinds of activity to enhance your mood and motivation - is a powerful tool. Certain kinds of activities can help you feel more motivated and improve your happiness levels.
Why Do People Behave the Way They Do?
07.25.22 07:12 PM - Comment(s)
Have you ever found yourself questioning why someone behaves the way they do? Or maybe that person you're struggling to understand is yourself. Why do we do things that don't make sense, cause problems, or seem destructive?
Peak Mind Pro: The Hidden Costs of Multitasking
07.12.22 07:06 PM - Comment(s)
With a never-ending list of demands for our time and attention, squeezing more productivity out of our days is imperative. Multitasking may seem like the answer, but it's not. It's a myth, and there are many hidden costs of multitasking.
Let's Talk About Freedom and Choice
07.04.22 06:59 PM - Comment(s)
The idea of our freedoms being limited and choices being restricted is upsetting, and we have a long history of fighting for freedoms. Yet, when I stop to look around and really consider freedom, I see some other ways we are inhibited without even really noticing.
Peak Mind Pro: Mindfulness Is Your Competitive Edge
06.14.22 09:45 PM - Comment(s)
Mindfulness - being able to flexibly control your attention - means being present, taking in more information, and reaping all kinds of benefits. In the workplace, mindfulness is your competitive edge.
How Are You Protecting and Maximizing This Important Psychological Resource?
06.14.22 01:30 AM - Comment(s)
It's important to consider how your attention shapes who you are and what your life is like. Being able to intentionally direct and control your attention can make a big difference in the quality of your life. That's why prioritizing and maximizing your attention span matters.
How to Support Someone with Mental Illness
06.07.22 01:36 AM - Comment(s)
It can be difficult to know how to support someone with mental illness. These practical tips will help you and your loved one feel better.
What Causes Mental Illness?
05.16.22 10:15 PM - Comment(s)
The causes of mental illness and poor mental health are complex and interconnected. Biology, psychology, and social factors all influence the development of mental disorders.